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Taiwan to Introduce 6 - Month Digital Nomad Visas

Taiwan is also set to launch a digital nomad visa! To attract international talent, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand have all introduced digital nomad visas. Recently, Taiwan government mentioned that Taiwan also plans to introduce a "Digital Nomad Visa" in the future, allowing international talent to come to Taiwan with the opportunity to stay longer. In the past, digital nomads usually came to Taiwan with a tourist visa or visa exemption, which allowed them to stay for up to 3 months. With the introduction of the "Digital Nomad Visa," digital nomads will be able to stay in Taiwan for up to 6 months. More details are still being worked out. Since the "Digital Nomad Visa" does not require legislative amendments, it can be quickly implemented after coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The proposal is expected to be submitted in the next legislative session. In the past, Taiwan also introduced the "Employment Gold Card" policy for high-level foreign talent. The Employment Gold Card is a document that consolidates work permits, residence visas, foreign resident certificates, and re-entry permits into one, providing eligible foreign talents the flexibility to freely seek employment, work, and change jobs during its validity. The Employment Gold Card is valid for 1 to 3 years, depending on the applicant's preference, with the option to reapply upon expiration. The future introduction of the Digital Nomad Visa will further open the door, attracting more international talent to Taiwan.

August 15, 2024

"Digital Nomad" Reader Submissions|Themes and Methods for Submission Revealed at Once

Are you on the digital nomad journey? Are you trying freelancing, remote work, or entrepreneurship? We sincerely invite you to share your experiences and stories to everyone! I. Submission Themes Feel free to share under themes such as digital nomadism, remote work, freelancing, entrepreneurship, personal branding, media management, overseas work, etc.: 1. Your Work Experience and Skills E.g., freelancing techniques, personal branding strategies, overseas job hunting experiences, etc. 2. Introducing Various Digital Tools Beneficial for Work and Life E.g., effective digital tools for managing remote teams. 3. Methods for Improving Work Efficiency and Time Management E.g., overcoming procrastination, enhancing efficiency in online meetings, etc. 4. Essential Knowledge on Work Visas, Payments, Cross-Border Financial Flow, Contract Signing, etc. 5. Sharing Experiences of Living in Different Places and Local Customs E.g., sharing information about local prices, culture, safety, etc. For more themes and content, please refer to the articles on the Digital Nomad official website. II. Submission Format Please send your submissions to, with the email subject titled "Digital Nomad Reader Submission: Please Fill in Article Title," and provide "Self-Introduction" and "Submission Article." 1. Self-Introduction To help us understand you better, please provide a self-introduction of about 150 words. 2. Submission Article Word Count: 1000 words. Language: Chinese or English are both acceptable. Submission File: Please provide a Google.doc cloud link with editing permissions enabled. Image Format: If you wish to provide images, please attach them to the email in .jpg format, along with captions and image sources. If there are copyright concerns regarding the images you provide, we will not use them. Contact Information: You can include your blog or social media links at the end of the article. We will create hyperlinks so that readers can get to know you better through these links. Reader submissions are unpaid, and the Digital Nomad editorial team reserves the right to decide whether to publish them. Titles may be adjusted, and content may be edited, with your consent, before publication. Due to the high volume of submissions, we will reply to your email within two weeks. Digital Nomad hopes to be a platform for digital nomads to exchange ideas. Your articles will be featured in Digital Nomad, and we will also promote them through Facebook and Instagram to help you gain visibility and explore more collaboration opportunities. The Digital Nomad team also hopes to use this opportunity to collaborate more deeply with outstanding creators in various aspects. Welcome to submit and share your journey on the digital nomad path. We look forward to the opportunity to exchange and learn together.

April 12, 2024

Podcast "Digital Nomad" | “Lifehacker" Raymond: Improve Work Efficiency by Experimenting on Yourself First!

Do you ever feel like life is overwhelming, with a mountain of tasks piling up, never enough time, and constantly forgetting things? Do you also find that the software tools available on the market aren't useful, or you're unsure how to make the best use of them? Raymond, founder of the self-media brand "雷蒙三十 Lifehacker", may be the most systematic, organized, and even "technological" digital nomad I've ever encountered. For instance, he uses Notion, ChatGPT, or various computer software to enhance his work efficiency and manage effectively. He has a variety of smart devices on his computer desk and at home to optimize his life. He truly integrates the word "digital" into his lifestyle. In fact, if you ask Raymond casually about his expenses for the whole year of 2016 or which project had the highest expenditure, or where certain collaboration data from five years ago is stored, he can immediately find the answers amidst a vast amount of data just by opening his computer. Reflecting on the past, Raymond started freelancing as a student in university to earn tuition and living expenses. Despite being a student during the day with 10 hours filled with exams and classes, he began to "systemize" his work and life due to limited time and numerous tasks. Three years ago, Raymond founded the self-media brand "雷蒙三十 Lifehacker" to share various methods of improving work efficiency, self-management, and unpacking digital tools, which gained much popularity among readers. His online course "Notion 線上訓練營 "(Notion Training Camp) even accumulated over ten thousand registrations. Raymond jokingly says his memory is very poor. His ability to manage his work and life systematically and efficiently lies in finding the "right" tools and methods that suit him best! Especially as a digital nomad, when you have a better grasp of your work and life, it's crucial to manage your life well. So, what are the best tools and methods for yourself? This article summarizes them for you! First, How to Be Effective? Try Experimenting! Many people aim to enhance their productivity and efficiency by learning from successful individuals, yet they find those methods ineffective. For instance, you might have seen media reports about Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs, who are productive and efficient due to early rising. Consequently, you attempt to emulate their practices by trying to wake up early, only to find yourself unable to do so or feeling groggy, leading to even lower efficiency. Raymond emphasizes: "You don't have to follow mainstream methods; personalize your approach instead!" During college, Raymond heard about the notion that "early risers are more productive," but is it true? He decided to experiment and find out! For a month, he woke up at 7 a.m. every day, and for another month, he slept until 3 a.m. and woke up at 10 a.m., documenting his work mood, focus, and other factors daily. And then? He discovered that he was naturally a night owl, achieving better focus and productivity at night. "Early rising for productivity" didn't apply to him, and he found the most suitable working hours for himself. Raymond suggests, "To find the method that suits you best, experiment and keep records, rather than adhering to mainstream definitions of 'how things should be done' or methods used by successful individuals!" You can also refer to Raymond's articles about Lifehacker to gain a better understanding of how to establish a systematized life that suits you. Second, The Key to Choosing Tools Lies in "Goals" Many people use tools like iPads or various life management software to organize tasks, but they often give up midway or find them ineffective. How can you find the most suitable and effective tools for yourself? Raymond suggests starting with a blank sheet of paper and jotting down everything you do from waking up in the morning to going to bed at night. It could be a work flowchart or a mind map, nothing too complicated. Then, review your day. The key to choosing tools is to start from your needs and the goals you want to achieve. For example, if you enjoy reading articles online in the morning and often have many tabs open, wanting to manage your pages and data efficiently, you can use management tools or RSS to integrate information from different websites. "Identify what each work or life need is, and then find the corresponding tools. I believe this is the initial point of solving the problem!" says Raymond. Otherwise, when you have too many tools, you'll have to remember what Tool A is for, and what Tool B is for, leading to chaos in your life. "Your brain is meant for problem-solving, thinking, and creating, not for memorizing and storing information!" Raymond says. Trimming the fat, identifying your true needs, and using tools and methods that suit you can help you establish a more systematized life. If you're interested in Raymond's digital nomad journey and methods for systematic life management, feel free to listen to "JB's Small Talk" Digital Nomad SP1: Freelancers Need to Construct Personalized Systems for Long-term Balance Between Income and Freedom | Interview with "雷蒙三十 Lifehacker" Raymond. -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

March 21, 2024

BI Analyst Angel Chen Exclusive Interview | The Value of Digital Nomadism Lies in "Choosing" the Lifestyle You Want

"In my digital nomad journey, I've met many extraordinary people. For instance, when I was in Hainan, I had a friend from Beijing who only worked about half the year. During the winter, he did marketing at a ski resort, and the rest of the time, he surfed in Hainan." As I expressed my surprise, Angel on the other end of the video call continued, "Yes, I was also like, 'Wow, is that even possible?'" Currently working as a Business Intelligence Analyst in a Singaporean company, Angel has been a digital nomad for about two years. Passionate about surfing, she has lived not only in Yilan and Taitung but also in cities such as Hainan in China, Chiang Mai in Thailand, and Bali in Indonesia. A few weeks before the interview, she embarked on a long-awaited journey to Sri Lanka alone with her backpack. At the time of the interview, she had returned to her "nomadic hub" in Bali. Talking about her nomadic life, she smiled and mentioned that she always loved traveling. Therefore, even with a nine-to-five job with demanding responsibilities, she found immense joy in the nomadic lifestyle. However, as her travel experiences expanded and she met more people, she realized that her happiness didn't solely stem from traveling itself. Delving deeper, she discovered that digital nomadism created a larger space than before, enabling people to freely "choose" the kind of life they want. Don't Let "Nomadism" Limit You; Life Can Be Diverse When discussing "digital nomadism," many people often have a misconception that it means constantly moving from place to place. But according to Angel, we don't need to be restricted by terminologies. The proclaimed freedom of the nomadic lifestyle offers various possibilities. "Some people like frequent changes of location, finding it refreshing, while others, like me, prefer staying in one place for a longer period, maybe spending a few months deeply exploring a destination. Some people can travel, but they choose to stay in Taiwan and travel occasionally," she explained. For her, these are all valid options. Some might wonder if being a digital nomad means a decrease in income. After all, the conventional perception of "success" often involves working in modern, tidy offices rather than traveling around. However, Angel suggests otherwise. With the right career strategies during nomadic life, it's entirely plausible to maintain or even increase one's income compared to before. Understanding digital nomadism in this light, it's not difficult to comprehend: It doesn't signify one "ideal" way of living but rather prompts individuals to contemplate the kind of life they truly desire and make choices accordingly. Angel working remotely by the beach. (Photo from Angel) "Moreover, embarking on nomadic life has exposed me to various lifestyles, expanding my imagination about life," Angel added. She elaborated that after graduating from university, she worked in Shanghai. In the fast-paced metropolitan city, her perception of what life should be like was similar to that of most people—working in tech giants or internet companies, earning a substantial income, and climbing up the career ladder. However, after embracing the nomadic lifestyle, she met many new friends from different backgrounds and countries during her journeys. She mentioned a few examples: Friend A, who works only half the year, spending the winter working at a ski resort and the rest of the time surfing in Hainan; Friend B, who quit her job in the tourism industry to run a homestay in Taitung, Taiwan; and Friend C, who moved from Spain to Indonesia simply because they loved the lifestyle in Bali. "I used to believe there was only one way to live life, but now I realize there are numerous possibilities. Whether one focuses on their career or pursues their interests, as long as their income supports the life they desire, it's the most important and fulfilling choice," Angel concluded. Choices Always Come with "Costs"; Accept Reality and Find Solutions Although Angel has gained a lot during her nomadic journey, she also acknowledges that every choice comes with its own set of costs. For her, there are two significant costs she feels in her current lifestyle: 1.It's challenging to establish stable new relationships because she typically stays in one place for only a few months. 2.Due to spending long periods away from Taiwan, she naturally has less contact with her old friends. However, over the past two years, she has developed coping mechanisms for these challenges. Regarding building stable relationships, she gradually reduced engagement in social activities that she wasn't good at or fond of, such as parties where she had to chat with large groups of people at once. Instead, she focused on connecting with like-minded individuals through shared interests like surfing. This not only provided surfing companions but also fostered deeper interactions and friendships. She also shared a memorable experience from her nomadic journey: "Last year, I celebrated my 30th birthday in Bali. I went diving with a Spanish roommate who brought a slate underwater with 'Happy Birthday Angel' written on it. Looking back, I was really touched. I never expected to make such close friends during my solo nomadic journey, let alone celebrate my birthday in such a surprising way." The Spanish roommate surprises Angel with a "birthday message" underwater. (Photo from Angel) Angel (front right) poses with roommates from Russia, Germany, New Zealand, and Australia in Bali. (Photo from Angel) Regarding the second challenge—reduced contact with old friends—her approach is to make the most of opportunities to meet with friends when she returns to Taiwan. After all, as adults, everyone has their own lives, and actively inviting important friends to hang out is more practical than waiting for them to reach out. Making "Choices" Rationally: Consider 5 Self-Assessment Aspects + 6 Nomadic Destination Considerations After weighing the feasibility of your job conditions, if you have a nomadic plan similar to Angel's, she offers five aspects for further consideration: What kind of travel/lifestyle suits me: Do I prefer frequent movement? Staying in one city for a few months before moving? Or mostly staying in Taiwan and traveling occasionally? Am I capable of living independently: Can I handle everyday tasks (like laundry, cooking, etc.) by myself? How capable am I of traveling alone: Can I solve various problems during travel alone? Is my language Do I have the ability to be alone: Does being alone make me uncomfortable, or do I enjoy it? How can I make friends: Do I enjoy participating in social activities? Or how do I plan to make friends during my travels? It's important to note that the implications of these five aspects are not "I can't do it, so I can't be a nomad"; rather, they help evaluate the corresponding skill requirements based on the type of nomadic lifestyle one is suited for or desires. If you currently don't meet the requirements, how can you enhance or adjust your travel/lifestyle? If you're unsure about some aspects, such as solo travel experience, you can start with minimal endeavors (like short-term trips) to test the waters. In addition to pre-departure assessments and improvements, when it comes to choosing the first nomadic destination, Angel shares her approach: "I think the priority is to determine whether I'm interested in this city and if there are places I want to explore here." Then, she evaluates factors such as internet stability, cost of living, safety, and visa requirements (including application difficulty and duration of stay). You can find this information on nomadic websites like Nomad List, or you can search using keywords like "city" and "digital nomad." "Besides, time zone differences are also crucial," Angel added. Although she wishes to nomad in Europe, she considers her current job requiring frequent collaboration with colleagues in Singapore, which might be inconvenient in different time zones. Therefore, she temporarily keeps this wish in mind, waiting for a time when it can be realized in the future. Thinking about the future, Angel said, "Nomadic life has brought me immense happiness. I may not stay in my current job forever, but I will find ways to maintain this lifestyle that I love." For friends who have been contemplating nomadism but haven't taken action yet, she encourages with a bright smile, "Just do it! After all, the happiness I currently enjoy also comes from the 'choice' I made two years ago, mixed with caution and a little impulsiveness." If you're curious about Angel's digital nomad journey, you can also refer to "JB's Small Talk." -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

March 12, 2024

3 Special Experiences Brought by Freelancing|You Should Try It At Least Once in Your Lifetime!

For many, the term "entrepreneurship" embodies dreams and passion. The startup stories of Apple, Google, and Tesla have become epics and legends of our time, akin to the clarion call of adventure, urging the brave to embark on risky ventures. However, among the millions of workers in Taiwan, only a minority ultimately choose entrepreneurship. For most of us, even after graduation, we opt to join companies to utilize our skills. However, today, I want to persuade you of one thing: even if entrepreneurship isn't your choice, I still recommend trying freelancing or earning some extra income outside your regular job, at least once. Because it will bring you many unique and interesting experiences, some of which could even pave the way for your future career. 1. Experience of Flying Solo There's a documentary about Air Force pilot training called "Taiwan's Elite Warriors :Fighter Pilot", which I highly recommend. Regardless of how many flights rookie pilots take under the guidance of instructors, they must ultimately pass the test of "solo flight" to become true pilots. Many professions are similar. For instance, a surgeon can only truly become a proficient doctor when they can operate independently. It's like when we were kids learning to ride bicycles; no matter how stable our rides were with training wheels, it wasn't until the day the adults removed them that we could proudly say, "I can ride a bike!" Similarly, even if you always accomplish your missions at work, have you ever wondered, if you didn't have a boss or supervisor guiding you, could you solve a problem from start to finish or produce an output? I suggest you frequently ponder this because more and more companies are particularly interested in whether job applicants have the ability to "work independently" or even "make independent decisions," which has almost become a standard interview question. Unless you never have to look for a job again in your life, you'll have to prove to others that even without an "instructor" or "training wheels," you can still independently create value. My first freelancing experience was being a lecturer for a company. At that time, I had experience giving lectures within the company to my colleagues. Later, a friend asked me to give lectures to the employees and the boss of a small company. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal, just revisiting my previous PowerPoint presentations, but after agreeing, I realized that when I used to give lectures within the company, everything from timing, location, venue equipment, attendees, notifications, and tracking results was arranged by supervisors and colleagues. The learners also knew each other well. Many "invisible" tasks and responsibilities were taken care of by others. It wasn't until this freelancing gig that I truly felt the thrill of "flying solo." Despite the immense pressure, I grew immensely. Nowadays, many companies require job seekers to have the ability to "work independently," especially for positions involving "remote work." If you have had several successful experiences of freelancing independently, it can definitely serve as a strong testament to your capabilities. 2. Experience of Market Value I remember my first freelancing gig as a lecturer, where I charged an hourly rate of NT$ 4,500. For someone under 30 years old with no professional teaching experience, this was quite high. After successfully completing the project, I realized: People are willing to pay NT$ 4,500 per hour for my time! I quickly compared this to my hourly "rate" at the company, which was only a little over NT$ 200.NT$ 4,500 compared to NT$ 200, a difference of 22.5 times - this stark contrast left me astonished! This led to a new realization. I thought, if I have a market value of NT$ 4,500 per hour, why would I accept a company's hourly wage of just over NT$ 200? You might think, NT$ 4,500 per hour gigs aren't available every day, but the company's monthly salary is stable! But what's more important, I believe, is that by working at the company, I'm "earning less" byNT$ 4,300 per hour. So, I must "earn it back" from elsewhere; otherwise, working in the company would be too costly! How do you "earn back the difference"? Certainly not by stealing office supplies or tea bags! It's by diligently learning skills, accumulating experience and contacts, obtaining these intangible yet valuable company resources, so that in the future, there's a better chance of selling yourself for NT$ 4,500 or even higher per hour. So, I would suggest trying freelancing independently to understand how much you're worth from the perspective of the market? This way, the next time you complain about low company salaries or aim for a higher pay, you'll have more confidence! And when you plan to switch jobs, you'll have a more precise understanding of your market value! 3. Experience in Business Operations Working in a company, especially in highly specialized roles in large corporations, often creates a sense of dependence. Because each of us only does our part, and there's often an SOP to follow, we can become mere cogs in a big machine, losing our ability to solve problems and be creative. If being a little screw all your life brings you happiness, that's fine. But in this era, where companies have shorter lifespans, and entire industries rapidly decline, if you're a young person under 40, you must think carefully about how to support yourself and your family in the future. Although Taiwan's legal retirement age is 65, in recent years, people in their early 50s have trouble finding jobs, and there are more and more "retirees." If these "old screws" have the ability to operate a small personal business independently, wouldn't that provide more career security? In recent years, I've seen many seniors around me who were high-ranking executives in companies, receiving retirement benefits, wanting to start small businesses (usually cafes or food stalls), but most of them failed. "I led hundreds of people in a listed company, expanded business globally, why would opening a small coffee shop be difficult for me?" However, "professionalism" and "entrepreneurship," though only differing by a word, are entirely different games. Being good at management is going from 1 to 100, while starting a business is going from 0 to 1. There are too many different know-hows and challenges between the two, being proficient in one doesn't guarantee an easy transition to the other. Therefore, for office workers within the stable framework of a company, if you can allocate some extra time to try "freelancing," experience the feeling of going from 0 to 1, face the market alone, and take on the new role of "principal and bell ringer," you'll be building strength for your career. Even if you face career risks in middle age, you'll have more chips to deal with it. Conclusion Most office workers, when they hear "freelancing," first think of "earning money," and if the money isn't much, they lose interest. But what I want to say is, even if you're not interested in earning extra income and have no intention of starting a business, just want to be a professional office worker, the rare experiences brought by freelancing, such as "flying solo," "market value," and "business operations," will help build excellent assets and moats for your career, making it worth trying when you have some free time! -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 27, 2024

Digital Nomad in Chiang Mai! 8 Recommended Shared Spaces

Many novice digital nomads choose Chiang Mai as their first destination for remote work. Not only is the cost of living low and the city safe, but it also offers abundant leisure and entertainment options, making it a favorite among digital nomads. Read more:Capital of Digital Nomads! Why is Chiang Mai the Best Choice for Remote Workers? Therefore, this article will recommend 8 places in Chiang Mai that are suitable for digital nomads to work and live. The Social Club The Social Club is a hotel located in Chiang Mai, offering complimentary WiFi, air-conditioned rooms, private parking, and room service. Digital nomads can utilize indoor and outdoor shared workspace, meeting rooms, and enjoy complimentary coffee and tea from 9 am to 9 pm. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 The Social Club - Coliving & Coworking Space(分享的貼文 Punspace Punspace is located in the heart of Chiang Mai's old city, close to many cultural landmarks and eateries. It offers high-speed internet, comfortable desks and chairs, coffee machines, shower facilities, lockers, and other amenities, allowing you to focus on your work. Punspace also fosters a friendly community where you can network and collaborate with people from diverse fields. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Punspace(@punspace)分享的貼文 Yellow Co-Working Space Yellow Co-Working Space is a shared workspace focused on Web3 and blockchain, providing digital nomads and remote workers with communal and private office spaces, meeting rooms, event areas, soundproof Skype rooms, YouTube media rooms, and other modern amenities, entertainment zones, and collaborative facilities. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Yellow Coworking(@yellowcoworking)分享的貼文 Alt_ChiangMai It's a shared space that combines accommodation with workspaces conveniently located downstairs. The venue is clean yet not overcrowded, making it easy to meet many digital nomads here. Regular activities such as yoga, ice baths, and travel excursions are organized, facilitating interaction and learning with people from different countries and fields. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Alt_ChiangMai(@alt_chiangmai)分享的貼文 Akha Ama Phrasingh It's a café located in the old city of Chiang Mai. While it's not a shared workspace per se, many digital nomads still come here to work because of the free charging and WiFi. With two seating areas spread across two floors, it's suitable for both work and leisure. In addition to coffee, they offer various desserts and tea, providing you with a cool sanctuary amidst the heat of Chiang Mai. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Akha Ama Coffee Roasters(@akhaamacoffee)分享的貼文 Life Space Located in the heart of Chiang Mai, this place offers convenient transportation. There are spacious and bright work areas, quiet reading rooms, fast and stable internet, complimentary coffee and tea, comfortable sofas and hammocks, as well as a small garden. You can enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working here. Additionally, they provide multi-person meeting rooms, with regular meeting rooms accommodating up to 4 people and a training room accommodating more than 10 people. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Life Space(@lifespaceth)分享的貼文 One Workspace One Workspace offers digital nomads shared workspaces, meeting rooms, event spaces, and virtual offices. There's also a café called Tora Bake, serving delicious coffee and pastries, allowing you to relax during breaks from work. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 OneWorkspace_Chiangmai(@oneworkspace2021)分享的貼文 Hub53 Although Hub53 is located further away from the old city, it offers affordable prices and amenities such as a shared kitchen and laundry room. The shared space has everything you need, and there are user-exclusive groups where you can organize outings and activities. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Hub53 Coworking & Coliving(@hub53coworking)分享的貼文 -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 23, 2024

Capital of Digital Nomads! Why is Chiang Mai the Best Choice for Remote Workers?

Stepping into a café in Chiang Mai, you'll find it bustling with remote workers from all over the world. They order a cup of coffee, open their laptops, and begin remote work. Chiang Mai is often hailed as the 'Capital of Digital Nomads,' the premier destination for remote workers and freelancers worldwide. In numerous surveys conducted by media outlets and organizations, Chiang Mai consistently ranks among the top cities favored by digital nomads. Many newcomers to the digital nomad lifestyle choose Chiang Mai as their first stop, and even seasoned digital nomads find themselves drawn back to this city time and again. But why is Chiang Mai so popular? Here are five key reasons that explain why! 1. Low Cost of Living Living in Chiang Mai comes with a remarkably low cost of living. According to statistics from Nomad List , the overall monthly living expenses in Chiang Mai are approximately $980 USD. When it comes to accommodation, you can typically find high-value hotels ranging from $7 to 15 USD per day. Apart from hostels, there are also co-living spaces, short-term apartments, and even upscale condominiums with amenities like swimming pools and gyms available for $320 to 650 USD per month, offering a comfortable living experience. For more detailed pricing information, you can refer to NUMBEO. 2. Safety Chiang Mai boasts excellent safety ratings. In the NUMBEO "Safety Index by City 2024" survey of 333 cities worldwide, Chiang Mai ranked 22, surpassing Singapore at 23 and Tokyo at 25. 3. Abundant Leisure and Entertainment Options Apart from its rich natural and historical attractions, Chiang Mai offers a vibrant nightlife scene. In addition to night markets, numerous bars attract travelers and digital nomads from around the world to socialize and enjoy drinks. Furthermore, many digital nomads organize activities such as sightseeing, jogging, rock climbing, and even boxing, providing ample opportunities for networking and sharing experiences. In Chiang Mai, there's never a shortage of things to do after work! 4. Excellent Working Environment Often dubbed the "Capital of Digital Nomads," Chiang Mai boasts a friendly environment for remote workers, with both reliable internet connections and conducive workspaces. Many cafes offer stable Wi-Fi and power outlets, while numerous coworking spaces, some of which are open 24 hours, cater specifically to digital nomads. Additionally, many accommodations provide dedicated office spaces and meeting rooms for digital nomads, ensuring that finding a place to work is never a concern. 5. Digital Nomad Networking Chiang Mai attracts digital nomads from around the globe, providing ample opportunities to meet and connect with individuals from different countries. Here, you can exchange experiences, seek advice on unfamiliar topics, and build friendships with fellow digital nomads. There are also various digital nomad communities and groups on social media platforms dedicated to Chiang Mai, offering insights into local life and facilitating networking opportunities. Whether you're a novice or seasoned digital nomad, a visit to Chiang Mai, Thailand, is definitely worthwhile! -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 22, 2024

The Downsides of Digital Nomadism! 3 Real Challenges You Should Know

Leaving the office behind and taking only your computer, the world becomes your workspace. This digital nomad lifestyle has long been an aspiration for many, offering a blend of work and life where individuals no longer feel like cogs in a machine but instead have greater control over their lives. But did you know? Many digital nomads eventually choose to return to conventional workplaces. There's a plethora of struggles shared by digital nomads online, shedding light on the reality of their journey, which might not always align with the romanticized image. If you're considering embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle, it's worth understanding the three main challenges frequently encountered by digital nomads. 1. Long-Term Career Development Before diving into digital nomadism, your first thought might be about your career. Planning for long-term career development has long been a concern for those interested in committing to the digital nomad lifestyle, and perhaps it's the most crucial issue. If you have a clear career plan and are still an employee of a company, merely offering your expertise through remote work might alleviate some of the stress. However, some choose to leave their current jobs altogether to pursue freelance work or create their own brands while diving into digital nomadism. This decision often brings to the forefront the issue of unstable income. Can your financial situation handle the uncertainty of project availability and fluctuating income? Moreover, how will this freelance work or brand development contribute to your long-term career growth? These are questions you must contemplate. Many digital nomads leave traditional employment structures to work on a freelance basis or establish their own brands. However, when they encounter career roadblocks or struggle with unstable and slow salary growth, they may become more anxious and ultimately choose to return to traditional workplaces. If you're interested in this topic, you can refer to "Stable Job vs. High-Paying Freelance: Which Is a Better Career Choice?" to help you think through your decision. You can also listen to the "Digital Nomad" series on the podcast "JB's Small Talk." We've interviewed many digital nomads who share their experiences on how to start digital nomadism and plan for long-term careers, which could be valuable references for you. 2. Work Isn't Necessarily Easier Many assume that digital nomadism involves leisurely working at a beachside café while enjoying the ocean view, with thoughts of playtime after work. However, the reality is often quite different. Digital nomads still have work to do, and often the workload is similar to or even greater than when they were employed in a traditional office setting. Without effective time management skills and with constant distractions from the desire to travel, tasks may remain unfinished or not done well. Business matters can also interrupt leisure time during travel, leaving them with a sense of being pulled in two directions. When traveling to different locations, digital nomads may also have to adjust to different time zones to accommodate various companies or clients, leading to further confusion in balancing work and life. Many digital nomads share in online communities that the work pressure of digital nomadism isn't necessarily lower. Some even have to deal with the instability of freelancing or entrepreneurship, making the overall experience not necessarily easier. This is one of the reasons why some ultimately return to traditional workplaces. If work is equally demanding, they might as well return to the stability of a traditional job. In digital nomadism, time management skills are especially crucial. You can refer to articles on time management, which may be helpful to you. 3. Sense of Isolation The digital nomad lifestyle may not be as joyous as you imagine, with the opportunity to make friends from around the world through travel. Since most digital nomads work remotely alone, even if they're employees of a company, they may not be very familiar with their colleagues due to long-distance work. When encountering problems or seeking someone to talk to, it can be challenging to find someone, leading to a profound sense of loneliness. While traveling and working, you may meet other digital nomads along the way. However, these encounters are often fleeting, making it difficult to form deep friendships. Some digital nomads establish communities to connect with others, work together, and maintain contact. They may also organize regular workshops to share experiences. Therefore, before embarking on digital nomadism, consider joining such communities. Not only will you meet more digital nomads, but you'll also build connections. You can also refer to the article "Remote Work Socializing: 7 Ways to Never Be an Outsider Again" to help you make friends more smoothly. These are the realities behind the digital nomad lifestyle shared by many digital nomads. Before starting your journey, evaluate whether your situation is suitable for digital nomadism and seek advice from other nomads, which will be more helpful to you! -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 22, 2024

Vegetarian-Friendly! Top 10 Cities for Vegetarian Digital Nomads Worldwide

Being a digital nomad is not just a work style but can also be seen as a "lifestyle." Nomads work, eat, drink, play, and enjoy life in this lifestyle. However, when it comes to eating, some may worry: "What if I'm vegetarian? How can I know if a place is vegetarian-friendly and offers a variety of choices?" To address this concern, The Vegan Review, a website sharing vegetarian-related information, has listed the ten most suitable cities for vegetarians to experience the nomadic life. Let's take a look at them! Asia 1. Taipei, Taiwan In 2017, CNN selected Taipei as one of the "Top 10 Vegetarian-Friendly Cities" globally; in 2023, the "World Vegetarian Population Survey" pointed out that Taiwan's vegetarian population ratio reached 13% (about 3.2 million people), ranking third worldwide. For vegetarian nomads, Taipei is undoubtedly one of the best options! 2. Chiang Mai, Thailand Chiang Mai, often considered an ideal nomadic spot, is also an excellent choice for vegetarians. Moreover, in this affordable city, you can enjoy a rich and delicious selection of vegetarian options without breaking the bank. (Photo from iStock) 3. Canggu, Bali, Indonesia When thinking of Bali, many picture beautiful beaches and a relaxed lifestyle. However, like Chiang Mai, Bali is a hotspot for nomads, offering far more vegetarian options than one might expect! 4. Singapore As one of the "business hubs" in Asia, Singapore attracts workers worldwide. It embraces various cultures and dietary habits so that vegetarians can handle a lack of options. Europe 5. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Las Palmas has various vegetarian options, catering to raw vegans (who do not consume animal products and high-temperature cooked food) and those on a gluten-free diet. This ensures everyone finds something that meets their needs. (Photo from iStock) 6. Prague, Czech Republic When it comes to Prague's cuisine, many might first think of meat-heavy traditional dishes. However, in recent years, the number of vegetarians in Prague has increased, making it one of the cities friendly to vegetarians. 7. Lisbon, Portugal Like Bali and Chiang Mai, Lisbon is a globally renowned digital nomad city. It attracts workers worldwide and offers a diverse range of vegetarian options. 8. Berlin, Germany Speaking of Germany, many might first think of dishes like pork knuckles or other meat-centric meals. However, in recent years, Berlin's vegetarian population has increased with the influx of immigrants, and in 2015, it was even named the "Vegan Capital of the World" by an American food magazine. Astonishingly, the city also boasts the world's first "Vegan Avenue," Schivelbeiner Strase, offering a rich selection of vegetarian dining options and "animal-free" lifestyle products. America 9. Portland, Oregon, USA Portland is known for embracing various lifestyles, and vegetarians will find themselves worry-free here. Besides the rich vegetarian options, the city hosts the world's first Vegan Mall, allowing for an effortless enjoyment of diverse cuisines. (Photo from iStock) 10. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Although less popular than other Mexican cities for digital nomads, this tranquil place offers convenient internet, reasonable living costs, and a rich selection of vegetarian options that ensure the food always energizes you. Why not visit and see for yourself? -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 22, 2024

Japan Mitsubishi Estate Residence Plans to Build 10,000 Housing Units for Digital Nomads

Tokyo Mitsubishi Estate Residence plans to operate 10,000 rental housing units by 2030 for foreigners intending to stay in Japan for one month to one year, targeting so-called digital nomads. The real estate company recently entered into a licensing agreement with Blueground Holdings, based in the United States, specializing in such accommodations. Blueground operates 15,000 rental housing units in 32 cities worldwide, catering to foreigners and others through subleasing arrangements. This marks the first time such a service will be available in Japan. In Japan, the service will be operated by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Estate Residence. Rental properties primarily located in the Tokyo metropolitan area will be subleased and furnished with beds and furniture for foreigners. These properties will be available for booking in English through the Blueground reservation system online. The company's app also provides lifestyle advice for residents in the area. Initially, properties will be offered in Tokyo's central areas familiar to foreigners, such as Shibuya and Shinjuku. Rental prices are expected to range mainly from ¥300,000 to ¥500,000 per month (approximately US$2,100 to US$3,500). Mitsubishi Estate Residence began operating rental apartment businesses through another subsidiary in 2019, mainly targeting young foreigners, currently managing approximately 700 units. The collaboration with Blueground will attract a wider age group, aiming to increase the total number of rental units for foreigners to 10,000 by 2030. The company plans to develop this into a business with sales of ¥20 billion and operating profit of ¥3 billion. Mitsubishi Estate Residence anticipates demand not only from foreign executives and employees staying in Japan but also from digital nomads. Digital nomads refer to individuals who work using information technology and can change their place of residence regardless of location, typically switching residences every few months. They range from freelancers to corporate employees. According to data from the travel information website A Brother Abroad, there are an estimated 35 million digital nomads globally. Some believe this number could reach 1 billion by 2035. Many digital nomads have high incomes, making international competition for them fierce. For example, Estonia and Taiwan have introduced special visas designed for them. The Japanese government has expressed its intention to improve the environment to attract such visitors, including establishing new special visas and residency statuses. In its 2018 investment strategy document, the government set out activities to welcome and support businesspeople, professionals, digital nomads, and other high-skilled workers. According to data from the Ministry of Justice, the number of such workers staying in Japan has tripled over the past decade, with approximately 400,000 as of the end of June. -- Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 20, 2024

Work Remotely at Sea! Try "Cruise Nomadism" for a New Life

With the push of modern technology, remote work has become a trend. Many digital nomads, whose work is primarily remote, are constantly searching for places that can inspire creativity and provide a comfortable environment. And now, cruise ships might become a new option for these individuals. Why might cruise ships become a new choice for digital nomads? Cruise travel offers many advantages, including a one-stop accommodation, transportation, and dining solution. It also allows you to visit multiple cities or countries in one trip, enjoying everything from beautiful fjords and spectacular volcanic views to charming beaches. Moreover, cruise ships can reduce the hassle of arriving in new cities. With facilities like gyms, gourmet restaurants, and swimming pools on board, you can visit new cities when the ship docks. You can return to the ship if you can't find a suitable restaurant ashore or wish to exercise. This way, you can enjoy the nomadic lifestyle while benefiting from the comfort and convenience of cruise facilities. However, the internet is a significant reason why cruise ships have yet to be a choice for digital nomads. Because mobile phones can't receive signals in the vast sea, far from land-based towers, cruise ships offer paid internet and phone services, but they use satellite signals, which are expensive and sometimes unstable. According to an interview by Business Insider with cloud engineer Ryan Gutridge, who nomads on cruise ships, WiFi quality directly affects work efficiency. The Italian Costa Cruises' parent company has announced that all its ships have installed Starlink as the onboard WiFi system, which will significantly reduce the problem of unstable signals. Starlink, a low-orbit satellite system launched by the space services company SpaceX, provides high-speed internet globally, whether on land, mountains or at sea. Starlink satellites orbit the Earth about 300 miles above the surface; this shortened geostationary orbit increases internet speed and reduces latency, effectively meeting the internet needs of digital nomads. But with hardware issues resolved, what should you consider before starting a cruise nomad lifestyle? 1. Choose the Cruise Line Carefully According to The New York Times, a Turkish company, Miray Cruises, announced a bold plan in March 2023. They launched a cruise called "Life at Sea," promising to travel worldwide in three years and establish a maritime community. Passengers on this cruise could use the onboard Starlink internet to experience a global digital nomad lifestyle. However, after the announcement, although half of the cruise's cabins were immediately booked, by December, the owner of Miray Cruises announced in an interview the cancellation of the "Life at Sea" cruise plan due to insufficient funding, preventing them from building the ship as initially claimed. This undoubtedly disappointed those looking forward to the project, with many asking for refunds, which were delayed. Therefore, if you want to experience cruise nomadism, it's best to research and read reviews about the cruise company before departure to avoid bad experiences. 2. Evaluate Financial Situation According to Business Insider, Ryan Gutridge mentioned that the introductory ticket price for the cruise is $30,000. Still, he received many discount schemes from the cruise company's membership program, such as consumption credits and free internet. He calculated that his expenses on the ship were almost equal to what he would spend renting an apartment in Florida, including garbage disposal fees. However, he still prepares an online financial form every year, recording all his expenses to clarify his financial situation. 3. Maintain a Routine Ryan Gutridge states that working life on the ship requires as much self-discipline as on land. From Monday to Friday, he maintains his routine, works in the morning, eats a healthy diet, avoids sweets, and regularly goes to the gym, limiting alcohol consumption to weekends. Additionally, some services, such as computer repair, may not be available on the cruise, so it's necessary to identify related sites on land before the ship docks. Making efficient use of the time ashore enhances the nomadic experience. Cruise nomadism opens a new door for those seeking freedom and adventure. Facing the future, those longing to live and work at sea can look forward to a more convenient and comfortable journey. With each voyage, they leave footprints on the map, exploring and discovering themselves in the vast ocean of life, enjoying every moment. -- Responsible Editor/Jeremy Lee Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 20, 2024

4 Persuasion Techniques to Convince Your Boss to Allow Remote Work!

Do you often find yourself thinking, "Since most of my work can be done with a computer, then why do I need to stay in the office?" Trying to negotiate with your boss for remote work but facing obstacles at every turn? Wondering how to persuade your boss to let you work from home? Today, I'll share four interesting persuasion methods to increase your chances of successful communication with your boss and convince them to allow you to start remote work. How to Convince Your Boss? Understand What Your Boss Is Thinking Before requesting remote work from your boss, you need to clarify a few things: What is your boss thinking? Why is your boss not receptive to suggestions? Does your profession truly allow for remote work? How should you communicate with your boss to successfully propose the idea? Let's break down why you need to consider these aspects one by one. Why Isn't Your Boss Listening to Suggestions? Firstly, what is your boss thinking? Why isn't your boss listening to suggestions? As an employee, if your boss rejects your request to work from home, you might instinctively think your boss is conservative and resistant to change. However, from the boss's perspective, there are more considerations than just an employee's viewpoint. From the boss's standpoint, they must think about everything from the company's perspective and cannot agree to your request based solely on vague reasons like "you think it would be better." When your boss hears about your desire for remote work, they might be contemplating: Is allowing employees to work remotely the most crucial thing at the moment? Will remote work bring better revenue or other benefits? Will the cost of communication with remote employees be higher, and will work efficiency decrease? If the answers to these questions are negative, or if your boss still believes that coming to the office is better for the company, they will likely reject your request. While some bosses may be resistant to change, I believe many carefully consider the decision after thorough thought. Is Your Profession Suitable for Remote Work? Next, you must determine if the nature of your profession truly allows for remote work. Some professions, such as chefs or drivers, may genuinely require physical presence and cannot be done remotely. Currently, remote work is more widely accepted in industries like startups or foreign companies, while traditional industries may be less inclined due to a lack of understanding of how to transition and manage employees in a remote setting. Further Reading: 無法遠距工作?連保母都能雲端帶小孩?6 個案例讓你看見美國如何突破遠端辦公 How to Communicate with Your Boss? To convince your boss to let you work remotely, it's not enough for you to believe it can be done. In addition to the boss's other considerations and the suitability of your profession, you need to think about whether the company's equipment supports remote work and if there are concerns about disclosing business secrets. It's not something that can be achieved solely through wishful thinking. Suppose your job is genuinely suitable for remote work, but your current boss is reluctant to allow it. In that case, you can try the following four persuasive approaches. This way, you have a chance to maintain a good relationship with your boss, enable remote work for yourself, and continue providing value to the company, creating a win-win situation. How to Convince Your Boss? Try These 4 Persuasive Approaches 1. Emotional appeal Method The condition for using this persuasion method is that you must maintain a good relationship with your boss. With this premise, you can explicitly talk to your boss like a friend, explaining why you need to work remotely. It could be due to: Long commuting times? Lack of sleep? High commuting expenses? Poor focus in the office? Physical discomfort from sitting all day? The key here is to clarify the difference between "need" and "want." "Need" implies making a change that genuinely brings positive results, while "want" is often for the sake of convenience, which may not necessarily improve your work performance. For example, a marketing friend of mine used this method to tell his boss that remote work allows him to focus better, work faster, and complete more tasks. Initially skeptical, the boss allowed him a two-week trial. When the results proved positive, he continued with a few days of remote work each week, focusing on planning. If you have a good relationship with your boss, you can try the personal appeal method, but you must genuinely deliver results. 2. Performance Assurance Method The first method involves an emotional appeal, while the performance assurance method takes a rational approach. You must present a remote work plan to your boss, specifying: How many hours you plan to work each day? What tasks you plan to accomplish each day? What benefits remote work can bring to yourself and the company? (It's best to include Key Performance Indicators - KPIs) Make sure your boss clearly understands what you can achieve through remote work. The key is to make your boss recognize and approve your plan. If the boss has doubts, you can negotiate a compromise. You don't have to request complete freedom immediately; just ask for a two-week trial. If you fail to meet the commitments outlined in the plan, you won't insist on remote work. The performance assurance method is particularly suitable for professions like engineers or designers. If remote work can enhance your creativity and efficiency, bosses are generally willing to give it a try. After all, sitting in the office with poor efficiency is not beneficial for them. Further Reading:《遠距工作模式》一本超適合送給老闆的遠端協作、管理、溝通工具書 3. Logical Persuasion Method Similar to the performance assurance method, the logical persuasion method assumes your boss is willing to communicate and accept modern concepts with fewer generation gaps. Like the performance assurance method, you need to clearly explain the benefits of remote work for you, your boss, and the company. This could include: Increased productivity Energy and resource savings Reduction in personnel costs Enhanced trust between employees and employers Increased employee achievement and satisfaction Improved employee mood and efficiency Supporting your explanations with relevant data and statistics, or even creating a clear presentation, can enhance your case. It's somewhat like an upgraded version of the performance assurance method, requiring a more logical explanation of the benefits and consequences of remote work, especially since remote work is not yet a mainstream work model in Taiwan. Therefore, for traditional industries, practical examples are crucial to help them understand the benefits and how it can address their pain points. This adds more persuasiveness to your case. 4. Special Treatment Method If you play a significant role in the company, possess exceptional skills, or are a trusted senior employee, you can try this method. "Trust" is a powerful tool but challenging to accumulate. If you consistently fulfill your responsibilities, gain sufficient trust from your boss, and are a key player in the company, your chances of successfully negotiating remote work are generally high. Moreover, if you are a crucial part of the company, you will have more leverage in negotiations with your boss. However, discussing how to become the boss's favorite and gain their trust requires a separate conversation. Here, I invite you to contemplate how you can achieve that. Further Reading: 職場就是我的遊樂場!那些在朝九晚五辦公室裡學會的事情 / 今天的人設是專業上班族 How to Convince Your Boss? Increasing Boss's Willingness Have you ever wondered why remote work is a cost-effective, efficient, and happiness-inducing method for employees, yet some bosses are hesitant? It could be because they cannot ensure that, without physical presence, you can truly contribute more to the company. They might worry about your capabilities, trustworthiness, and feel the need to keep an eye on you. But viewed differently, if you were the boss, wouldn't you find it easier to approve requests from self-sufficient employees who take care of everything without needing constant supervision? This brings us back to the issue of "trust." If you can demonstrate the benefits of remote work and make your boss have enough trust in you, your chances of negotiating successfully will significantly increase. As they gradually realize, "It seems like you can genuinely achieve this without coming to the office," their willingness to continue trying remote work will naturally increase. Eventually, they may even expand the remote work culture throughout the entire company. How to Convince Your Boss? The Key Lies in Requesting Remember my friend mentioned in the emotional appeal method? His company is in the biotech industry, and he is the only employee working remotely. While he is competent, the primary reason he can spend two to three days a week working in a coffee shop is that: He spoke up and made the request. He bravely approached his boss, admitting that he easily gets distracted in the office and chats with colleagues. However, when working alone, his efficiency improves. He presented a corresponding plan, proved it with results, and even though some colleagues complained about the perceived unfairness, it might be that they simply didn't dare to ask. Whether you can work remotely might ultimately be in the hands of your boss. They evaluate whether you qualify, whether you are loyal to the company, and perhaps whether they trust you enough. It's like buying a lottery ticket – you can't decide if you'll win, but you can give yourself a "proactive" chance to win, right? In the end, let's summarize what you should do if you want to convince your boss to let you work from home: Evaluate whether your industry is suitable for remote work. Choose one of the persuasive approaches mentioned above. Create a logically sound persuasive document or proposal. Consider how to deliver on your commitments and plan your workflow. Gather courage to talk to your boss: "Could we discuss a new plan for work?" If your proposal genuinely benefits the company and proves effective, I believe most bosses will be willing to give it a try. You might think this idea is impractical, but that doesn't mean it's not worth attempting, right? Finally, let's reflect on how taking the initiative can give you a chance to win, similar to playing the lottery! -- This article is reprinted from:Zoey(article) (This article is translated by the Digital Nomad editor group.) Follow the Digital Nomad Facebook fan page and stay updated with more recent articles on Instagram (!

February 14, 2024